Augmented Mixed Beta Regression and Modeling of Employed Proportions in Households

Document Type : Original Paper


1 Department of Statistics, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Department of Statistics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The Beta regression model is usually used for modeling the rates or proportions confined in an open interval (0,1). In some studies, the data may also include zero and one. In this paper, an augmented Beta regression model that is a mixture of Beta distribution with two degenerated distributions at 0 and 1 is presented for rates or proportions confined in [0,1]. For the augmented mixed Beta model with reparametrization of Beta distribution, the mean and precision parameters were modeled including fixed and random effects. This is while taking into account that the random effects make these models applicable to correlated data. Here, the augmented mixed Beta model is presented. Then this model is evaluated in a simulation study. Next, the application of this model is shown for analyzing the proportions of employed persons in every household. Finally, conclusion and results are presented.


Main Subjects

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