Analysis of Spatial-Temporal data: the Case Study of Zanjan Daily mean Wind Speed Data

Document Type : Original Paper


1 Department of Statistics. Science and Research Branch. Islamic Azad University. Tehran. Iran

2 Department of Statistics. University of Zanjan. Zanjan. Iran


In this paper, we first study the theory of the spatial-temporal half spectral modelling and describe some properties of recently proposed half spectral models. Next, we propose an estimation method for the estimation of spatial-temporal covariance functions in the half-spectral setting. To assess the performance of the proposed half-spectral models, we conduct two simulations. in which we compare the proposed fitting approach with respect to the other classical estimation methods. The proposed methods have great success in fitting parametric space-time covariance functions specifically for massive data sets. Finally, we apply the proposed methods for a real daily wind speed data in Zanjan, Iran.


Main Subjects

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