Simultaneous Modeling of Mean and Variance In Augmented Mixed Beta Regression

Document Type : Original Paper


1 Statistical Research and Training Center, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of statistics, Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch, Tehran, Iran


Augmented Beta Regression models are used for modeling data such as rate, ratio or percentage. This model is made by combining the Beta distribution on the interval (0,1) and two degenerate distributions at 0 and 1. By reparameterizing the beta distribution, the mean and precision parameters are modeled with a structure including fixed and random effects. In this paper, simultaneous modeling of mean and precision the augmented mixed beta regression models is presented and the model efficiency in simulation studies by Bayesian approach is investigated. Next, the application of this model to analyze the proportions of employed persons in every household based on the results of the Statistical Center of Iran is shown and at the end, conclusion and results are presented.


Main Subjects

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