A class of negacyclic duadic codes over ring F_q + vF_q and their extensions

Document Type : Original Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran

2 Faculty of Basic Science, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


Blackford (2008) [1] introduced the concept of negacyclic duadic codes over the field Fq, and

classified all self-dual negacyclic codes over Fq. In this paper, we define negacyclic duadic codes over

ring Fq +vFq and by using a Gray map on these codes, we get self-dual and self-orthogonal codes on the

field Fq. Also, we introduce some extensions of negacyclic duadic codes over ring Fq + vFq and present

their properties. Finally, we present some examples of negacyclic duadic codes over this ring and self-dual

and self-orthogonal codes on the field Fq.


Main Subjects

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