Design of a Sliding Mode Fuzzy Consensus Controller for a Special class of Leader-Follower Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems

Document Type : Original Paper


Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


In this paper, we propose a fuzzy sliding mode controller (FSMC) for Multi-agent Systems (MAS) and investigate the leader-follower consensus problem for the network of nonlinear dynamic agents with an undirected graph topology. A new sliding mode controller is suggested to address the consensus problem in MASs. The proposed sliding mode controller is based on a separating hyperplane. In addition, a fuzzy controller is designed to eliminate the chattering phenomenon. According to the communication graph topology and the Lyapunov stability condition, the proposed FSMC satisfies the consensus condition. As an advantage of the control presented in this paper, the states of the system reach the sliding surface very quickly and remain on the surface. The advantage of the proposed approach is also illustrated by simulation results.


Main Subjects

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