For a locally compact group $G$, $L^1(G)$ is its group algebra and $L^\infty(G)$ is the dual of $L^1(G)$. We consider
on $L^\infty(G)$ the $\tau$-topology, i.e. the weak topology under all right multipliers induced
by measures in $L^1(G)$. For such an arbitrary $G$ the $\tau$-topology is not weaker than the
weak$^*$-topology and not stronger than the norm topology on $L^\infty(G)$. Among the other results we mention that except
for discrete $G$ the $\tau$-topology is always different from the norm-topology. The properties of $\tau$ are then studied further and we pay attention to the $\tau$-almost periodic elements of $L^\infty(G)$.
ع. غفاری، مقدمه ای بر آنالیز هارمونیک، انتشارات دانشگاه سمنان 1390.
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Ghaffari, A. , Sheibani, M. and Tamimi, E. (2023). On dual of group algebras under a locally convex topology. Journal of Advanced Mathematical Modeling, 13(2), 307-315. doi: 10.22055/jamm.2023.43770.2164
Ghaffari, A. , , Sheibani, M. , and Tamimi, E. . "On dual of group algebras under a locally convex topology", Journal of Advanced Mathematical Modeling, 13, 2, 2023, 307-315. doi: 10.22055/jamm.2023.43770.2164
Ghaffari, A., Sheibani, M., Tamimi, E. (2023). 'On dual of group algebras under a locally convex topology', Journal of Advanced Mathematical Modeling, 13(2), pp. 307-315. doi: 10.22055/jamm.2023.43770.2164
A. Ghaffari , M. Sheibani and E. Tamimi, "On dual of group algebras under a locally convex topology," Journal of Advanced Mathematical Modeling, 13 2 (2023): 307-315, doi: 10.22055/jamm.2023.43770.2164
Ghaffari, A., Sheibani, M., Tamimi, E. On dual of group algebras under a locally convex topology. Journal of Advanced Mathematical Modeling, 2023; 13(2): 307-315. doi: 10.22055/jamm.2023.43770.2164