Ideal Structure of Some C*-algebras

Document Type : Original Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences, College of Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of mathematics, statistics and computer science,, Faculty of Science,, University of Tehran.,


In this note, considering the main properties of closed ideals of C*-algebras, we will determine the structure of closed ideals of the C*-algebra C(X, A), the space of all continuous functions from compact Hausdorff space X to C*_algebra A. Indeed, we will show that for every closed ideal of C(X, A), there is some closed subset F of topological space X × prim(A), such that {f ∈ C(X, A) : ∀ (x, P )∈F , f(x) ∈ P}=I.


Main Subjects

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