Generalized weighted composition operators from minimal Möbius invariant spaces into $n$th weighted ‎spaces

Document Type : Original Paper


1 Department of Mathematics,, Mahabad Branch,, Islamic Azad University,, Mahabad,, Iran

2 Department of Mathematics‎, ‎Urima Branch‎, ‎Islamic Azad University‎, ‎Urima‎, ‎Iran

3 Department of mathematics, Faculty of mathematics and statistics, university of Isfahan, Isfahan Iran.


‎In this paper‎, ‎we first study the boundedness of generalized‎ weighted composition operators from minimal Möbius invariant‎ ‎subspace to the $n$th weighted type space‎. ‎Then‎, ‎we obtain‎ ‎equivalence conditions for its boundedness by using the Bell‎ ‎polynomials‎. ‎We also find some estimates for the essential‎ ‎norm of this operator and use them to present equivalence‎ ‎conditions for the compactness of such an operator‎.


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